Sunday, February 20, 2011

Clearing Confusion Bag (To help when you are confused about something or have too many options to chose from)

• Yellow bag (to encourage clarity and creative thinking)

• Brown ribbon (to encourage stability and growth)

• Sodalite (To still the mind and calm inner turmoil)

• Hematite (for grounding, helps keep ones attention focused on the physical plane)

• High John (to draw courage, confidence, help one to conquer any situation)

• Sage (to draw wisdom)

• Blue candle (to draw intuition and comfort)

I would suggest making this bag on a Saturday as it is a good day for knowledge as well as dealing with boundaries, limitations and other life issues. The purpose of this Mojo bag is to help draw clarity, stability, and wisdom that will clear up confusion about the situation(s) that you are in. Light a blue candle and sew the yellow material into a bag. Fill it with the herbs and stones. Hold the bag up to the candle repeat the following:

Blow away confusion ye winds of the east

Send off on your breezes the horrible beast

The mocking confusion the grows in my heart

With your strong gusts may the darkness depart

Transformative flame I ask you to guide

Out of the darkness in which I now hide

May clarity come through your passionate ways

With your light and your courage brighten my days

Foundational earth please help me to find

Strength and security in the depths of my mind

May courage grow strong in the depths of my being

With your solidity and strength success I’ll be seeing

Wash away distress ye waves of the west

Show me the path that leads to my best

May your wisdom and comfort rest in my life

As I now make the choices that remove all strife

Herbs and stones

Wind and flame

Water and earth

I remain

By your strength

And by your power

I am changing my life

Hour by hour

Tie the bag closed and carry with you until your confusion has cleared.

Venus Romance Bag (for anyone who wants more romance in their life – not just physical/sexual love but that sense of gentle love and wonderment)

• Green material (to stimulate the growth of love, also is a colour that corresponds to the Goddess Venus)

• Yellow ribbon (to draw the lightness, joy, and freedom of love)

• Pink Lace (to draw beauty, gentleness, and love)

• Emerald (a stone associated with the Goddess Venus

• Cherry Blossoms (to stimulate love, to bring that feeling of love that floats in the air in the spring)

• Apricot leaves and flowers (to attract love)

• Green candle (to represent Venus and the growth of love)

I would suggest making this bag on a Friday as this is a good day for working on love issues. The purpose of this Mojo bag is not to draw a lover specifically. It is to draw that sense of love that we find not only in relationships but in the love of life and the wonderment of knowing love, being loved, and giving love. Light a green candle and sew the green cloth into a bag. Sew the pink lace onto the bag. Fill it with the herbs and stones. Hold the bag up to the candle while repeating the following and empowering the bag with gentle, loving, romantic, wonderment, and love:

Sea-born Venus, let it be

the winds of love shall caress me

Your gentle, sweet, and soothing love

Rains down on me from up above

I ask your blessing for romance

And in the light of love I’ll dance

Tie the bag closed with the yellow ribbon and secure it with joy and freedom. Carry the Mojo bag with you.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Peace Bag (for anyone who needs added peace in their life)

• Blue material (for calming, peace, and healing)

• Black cord/ribbon (for binding negative energy)

• Pinch of lavender (for peace and happiness)

• A few dried chamomile flowers (to draw calming and peace)

• Blue tourmaline (to draw calming, peace and to help de-stress)

• Blue candle (for peace and calm)

I wrote up this charm to draw upon the powers of peace and healing inherent in the herbs and stones. I wanted as well to emphasize the binding power of the black ribbon to keep negative energy out and keep peace and calm inside. The blue material draws peace and calm as well as inviting the soothing flow of water. I would suggest making this bag on a Friday as this is a good day for working towards peace, love, and pleasure which are all things that are calming and peaceful. It could also be very effective being worked on a Sunday if the reason for needing peace is because of to much negative energy or powers. Sunday is also good day to work to combat negativity. Light a blue candle and sew the blue cloth into a bag. Fill with the herbs and stone while repeating the following and charging the bag with calming peaceful energy:

Herbs of brown and green and stones of blue

We call the powers of peace from you

Bind far away darkness and strife

Bring a calmness to this life

Help to find sweet, inner peace

All worries and concerns I release

Tie the bag closed with the black ribbon binding out all negative energy and carry the Mojo bag with you.

Stones in my area

Ontario is know for it diverse landscapes and rock compositions. The prominent feature in Ontario is the Niagara Escapement which is recognized as one of the world’s unique natural wonders. It is part of the Precambrian shield and starts in southern Ontario and continues right up through north central Ontario. This physical feature provides a variety of stones and minerals in Ontario. There are other areas with large deposits of gems/stones and that includes much of northern Ontario from Timmins to north of Thunder Bay as well as areas such as Bancroft in the eastern part of Ontario.

I am going to focus on the Hamilton area as we are known to have one of the best mines in Ontario. However, the Dundas Quarry is not know for an abundance of gems but is known for the aggregates that are needed for the local steel industry and other industries that are dependant on aggregates.

The Niagara Escarpment is recognized as one of the world's unique natural wonders and one of Ontario's most spectacular and well known geological features. The United Nations designated the Escarpment as a World Biosphere Reserve in 1990, one of only six in Canada, on par with other sites such as the Galapagos Islands in the Pacific, and the Serengeti Plain in Africa.

In the shape of a gigantic horseshoe, the Escarpment can be traced from upper New York state through Hamilton, around the tip of Lake Ontario, northwest to Tobermory, under Lake Huron and around the west side of Lake Michigan, and south into Wisconsin. With origins dating back into geological history some 450 million years, this massive formation is made up of layers of sedimentary rock originally laid down in ancient tropical seas which covered the area at that time. This rock is mostly buried beneath deposits of clay, sand, and gravel left behind by glaciers more than 12,000 years ago. The thin top layer is dolomite (hard limestone) with softer shale and limestone underneath.

Called “the Mountain” in Hamilton, this steep cliff cuts through the region at an average height of 90 metres above Lake Ontario and loops around the Dundas Valley as it winds around the edge of Lake Ontario. It offers breathtaking views of the entire region especially Hamilton Harbour, Cootes Paradise, Lake Ontario, and the surrounding communities. At its highest point, the escarpment rises to 110 metres. I live at the bottom of this mountain and daily trek on some of the Bruce Trial that runs along the mountain.

The walls of the Legislative Building at Queens Park (Toronto) and Whitehern Historic House in downtown Hamilton contain slabs carved from the Niagara Escarpment. The fact that the escarpment's stone and gravel is located close to the major construction markets of southern Ontario is a benefit to local industry. There are about 40 quarries and pits operating along the Niagara Escarpment. But quarrying is among the most controversial of escarpment issues. Environmentalists say no new quarries should be opened and no expansion of existing ones allowed to protect the escarpment.

So you can see that this area has some interesting and diverse geological features. These features contribute largely to the aggregates industry but we do find a few stones/gems that are fairly common amongst those who use stones/gems in their magick or collect them.

CELESTINE – Celestine is found in the local Dundas Quarry. It is not an abundant stone but it has been found.

Celestine also called Celestite is known as the “stone of heaven.” It helps us to reduce stress by helping us to relax and drawing peace of mind. It is a stone that is used to bring about spiritual growth by helping you to find your creativity as well as helping to know your higher self and other “divine awareness.” This stone is used for revealing truth, reliability, and clarity of thought and speech as well. This stone is believed to be the best stone for connecting with angels and diving beings.


The Dundas Quarry near Hamilton has provided yellow-brown and blue specimens. As this is one of my favourite stones I was very pleased to find this stone was found in my area. Sometimes called the genius stones Fluorite has a beneficial effect on thinking processes and can often help in the creation of brilliant ideas. It is a great stone for improving ones mind and concentration. It helps to calm and brings a greater ability to concentrate while meditating and also to help you grasp and understand with the more abstract concepts of your inner self.


Granite is found all over Ontario in abundance. It is definitely not a rare specimen and it us used widely. I was unable to find any magical correspondences for granite. I think however from my personal experience that granite is a good stone for bringing strength to your efforts. Large items are made from granite and it is used for its sturdiness and strength. From my work in the area I think solidity, foundation, strength, power, steadfastness are all qualities of Granite.


Our local quarry in Dundas has produces water-clear colourless gypsum and the more common milky coloured specimens. This is also not a rare mineral in the province. Selenite is a clear, transparent form of the mineral gypsum. It is commonly used in the construction of houses as drywall as it is known for its insulating and warming qualities. Selenite is named for Selene, the Moon Goddess and is associated with the moon. It is used for channelling, meditation, and aura work. It is also used for moving energy. It also draws clarity, peace and is good for purification and psychic development.