Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Desert Moon Goddesses

The Goddesses Al-Uzza, Al-Lat and Menat formed a Goddess triad that was worshiped in Arabia before the advent of Islam. They were worshiped widely throughout Arabia and as far east as Iran. They were very popular Goddesses in Mecca during the time of Mohammed.
Al-Uzza – meaning “the Mighty One” is the Goddess of the Morning Star
Al-Lat – meaning “The Goddess” is the Mother
Manat – is the Crone, the Goddess of fate or time
The Goddesses are sometimes seen as daughters of the God (Al-Lah) but sometimes Manat and Al-Lat are Considered daughters of Al-UzzaFrom
Al-Uzza, was the Goddess who was one of the most honoured Arab Deities. She had a temple at Petra as well as being thought as the patron Goddess there as well. She was commonly called to from the rooftops which was thought to be a suitable worship for a Star Goddess. Other names she was known by was Chaamu or Chalmous which means young girl or virgin. She also had a haven at Nakhlah where there were three acacias trees where were sacred to her. She is said to descend there. Al-Uzza was compared to Ishtar and Astarte as the Morning and Evening Star Goddesses. She is depicted standing befor the acacia tree with a Caracal (a desert cat sort of like a lynx.) She is also associated with Aphrodite.
Al-Lat is called the “mother of the Gods” or the “Greatest of All.” She is an Earth Goddess and is connected with fertility and prosperity. She too was identified with Aphrodite and also sometimes with Athena. This seemed to cause some confusion and Al-Lat and Al-Uzza were sometimes mixed up. Al-Lat’s temple was east of Mecca in Ta’if. Her symbol was the crescent moon but was sometimes shown with the sun resting in its cresecent – as the sun was also considered a feminine representation of her aspect. She carries a sheaf of wheat and a small chunk of frankincense as symbols of fertility.
Manat’s name means “fate, destruction, death, doom, part, protion, that which is allotted.” She was believed to be a very ancient Goddess who’s followers and cult may predate both of the other two Goddesses. She was worshipied as a black stone at Quidaid, near Mecca but her worshippers were extensive. She is a Goods of Death and is the actual personification of death. She was believed to actually bring people to their graves so in essence she was the representation of death and the actual force of death. She was petitioned to guard tombs and to punish any that would desecrate them. Her symbol is the waning moon. 

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